How much is your classic car worth?
No single valuation tool or price estimator can precisely determine how much your classic car is worth. So, we partnered with experienced valuation experts to create a better classic car valuation tool.
Calculate the value of your classic car
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Not just another valuation tool.
Information is power. American Collectors Insurance has partnered with experienced valuation experts like NADA and VMR Auto Guides to create a better classic car valuation tool.
Market Value
Determined analyzing supply and demand, using historical sale prices and/or current asking prices on available inventory.
Compare Sources
Comparing results from multiple valuation sources will help develop a more accurate value estimate for your collector car!
Accurate Valuations
No single valuation source can precisely determine a classic car’s value.
Sales Background
70% of classic / antique cars are sold through private party sales, 20% through auctions and 10% through dealerships.

#1 Rated Collector Car Insurance
We provide top-rated insurance for a wide variety of collectibles and collector’s items, including Agreed Value auto insurance for collector vehicles, classic cars, vintage cars, antique trucks and even classic motorcycles.
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